Encountering the Transfigured Christ: A Call to Deep Faith

This Sunday’s Gospel invites us to journey with Peter, James, and John as they ascend the mountain with Jesus. What begins as a simple moment of prayer transforms into a divine revelation. Jesus, radiant in glory, stands conversing with Moses and Elijah, the great figures of Israel’s history. In this sacred moment, the veil of the ordinary is lifted, revealing the splendor of Christ’s divinity. This event, known as the Transfiguration, is not just an extraordinary moment for the disciples; it is an invitation for us to encounter Christ in a deeper, more transformative way, especially during this Lenten season.

The Transfiguration

Lent calls us into a journey of faith, a journey much like that of Abraham, as Fr. Tony Kadavil reflects. Abraham’s transformation from a pagan patriarch to a believer in the one true God illustrates the power of faith and trust. God called him from his homeland to an unknown land, promising that he would be the father of a great nation. Though the fulfillment of God’s promise seemed distant and uncertain, Abraham’s faith never wavered. His journey was not without trials, yet it was through these trials that his faith was strengthened and his relationship with God deepened.

Similarly, the Transfiguration of Jesus serves as a moment of revelation and assurance for the disciples. At first, they struggle to comprehend what they are witnessing. Overcome by sleep, they nearly miss the profound encounter unfolding before them. But upon waking, they see the divine glory of Christ. Peter, in his zeal, desires to capture this moment forever by building tents. However, before he can finish speaking, a cloud descends upon them, and they hear the voice of God: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”

These words serve as a reminder that faith is not about holding onto fleeting moments of glory but about listening to and following Christ in trust and obedience. The disciples, like Abraham, are called to walk by faith, even when the path is uncertain. As St. Paul writes, “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). The Transfiguration is a glimpse of the glory to come, but the road ahead for Jesus and his disciples will lead through suffering before the ultimate victory of the Resurrection.

How often do we, like Peter, desire to remain in the comfort of spiritual highs, resisting the call to journey further into faith? How frequently do we ignore God’s voice when He calls us to conversion and deeper commitment? This Lenten season is not merely a time of sacrifice and repentance but an opportunity for spiritual renewal. It is a time to seek God’s presence intentionally, to allow Him to transform our hearts, and to trust that even in moments of trial, He is leading us toward glory.

The Transfiguration reminds us that we, too, are called to be transformed. Through Christ’s redemptive mission, our lowly bodies will one day be conformed to His glorified body. This transformation begins now, in our daily surrender to God’s will. It begins when we choose faith over fear, trust over doubt, and love over complacency.

As we continue our Lenten journey, let us listen to the voice of God with open hearts. Let us seek Him in prayer, in Scripture, in the sacraments, and in the quiet moments of our daily lives. Just as Abraham trusted in God’s promises, and the disciples witnessed Christ’s divine glory, may we also walk by faith, knowing that our journey leads to the fullness of life in Christ.

“This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” May we heed these words and allow them to guide us closer to our own moment of transformation.


The Fig Tree and the Invitation to Bear Fruit


Lent: A Journey of Metanoia and Spiritual Renewal